How do I share a Form Design with another TransForm User? How do I import/export Form Designs?


Form designs can be shared between TransForm Accounts.

Exporting a Form Design

Form designs can be shared to other TransForm accounts by exporting the JSON definition for the form design. The exported JSON can be saved to file and shared to other TransForm users who can add the form design to their TransForm account.

  1. On the Designer tab in TransForm Central, select the form design you want to share.

  2. Expand the Advanced Features section and click Edit Entire Definition As Raw JSON.

    Edit Entire Definition as Raw JSON
    Edit Entire Definition as Raw JSON
  3. Select all of the text in the JSON for Form Type text box. Then, copy the selected text.

    Copy the Form Definition JSON
    Copy the Form Definition JSON
  4. Save the copied JSON to a file using a text editor such as Notepad (Windows) or TextEdit (Mac). Saving the JSON to file makes it easy to share with other TransForm users.

    Form JSON saved to file using Notepad
    Form design definition saved to file using Notepad

Importing a Form Design

To add a form design shared with you from another TransForm account, you need to create new form design and then replace the form design's definition with the shared form design.

  1. On the Designer tab in TransForm Central, create a new Blank form design.

  2. Expand the Advanced Features section and click Edit Entire Definition As Raw JSON.

    Edit Entire Definition as Raw JSON
    Edit Entire Definition as Raw JSON
  3. Delete all of the text in the JSON for Form Type box. Then, paste the JSON definition for the form design you'd like to import into JSON for Form Type. Click Save to save the changes.

    Replace the text in JSON for Form Type with the JSON for the form design you are importing
    Replace the text in JSON for Form Type with the JSON for the form design you are importing
  4. If the imported form design has the same Form ID as another form in your account, Alpha TransForm will display an error. Form IDs must be unique. Change the Form ID to resolve the error.

    Form ID is already in use error
    Form ID is already in use error
  5. Finally, click Click to save changes to save your imported form design.